
Seven days in Italy means one thing alone: ​​1 Kg more (and I say 1 for thinking positive). In fact…

But we have not only eaten like swabs, we also went to see (me) and to bathe (roby) in the river Tagliamento ... brrr what value: it is frozen!

And, after years (me) and for the first time (Roby), we enjoy the most beautiful town parties in the world: Fagagna. Every year we celebrate a unique party: the Sagra degli asini, nothing more and nothing less than donkeys ... what are nice? There is a very cool donkey race, although for me the most beautiful thing about the “sagra” is the “Palio dei Borghi" Here, each of the 4 neighborhoods of the town represents a story that has as protagonists some of the most famous characters in the history of Fagagna. All seasoned with lots of fantasy, colors, scenery and original and fun costumes. It has been an amazing show!

Also we visited Grade, a small island in my region, the Friuli Venezia Giulia, which has turned out to be the village of the balconies: one more beautiful than the other!

But the best thing has always been to be with family and friends. With some new entry (welcome Nick!), With some flashback, of the hell, what memories eh Federica ?! And with the usual friends!

Now we are going to take the last Italian ice cream DOC… DOLCE VITA STYLE!

Who wants one?
